Hospital intership


- Spedali Civili di Brescia, i.e. “General Hospital” of the University of Brescia –  Brescia (Italy) (1979-1990).

- College d' Ensegnement et de Recerche en Chirurgie Estethique, "CERCHE", Hôpital de Montreuil (Paris, France): one year of Internship  “residential”(certificate for yr. 1992/1993).

- International School of Aesthetic Medicine of the International Foundation Farebenefratelli, Roma: Ospedale dell’Isola Tiberina, Roma: four years of internship. (four years, not residential, 1991/1994).

- Clinica Imagem, Avenida Josè Munia n° 7075, in Sao Josè do Rio Preto (Brasile), as Intern Medical Doctor for up-to-dating c/o Dr. Antonio Bozola: six months (residential).

- University College London Medical School, University of London, “The Royal National Throat, Nose, and Ear Hospital” (Gray’s Inn Road, London, WC1X 8EE): two residential Courses.

- Università “Claude Bernard” (Lyon – France): two residential Courses .

- Facultè de Medicine Nice Sophie Antipolis, Laboratoire d’Anatomie, Cours Superieur d’Anatomie Chirurgicale et de Chirurgie Esthetique et Reparatrice de la Face   (Exposés théoriques, Dissection anatomiques, Demonstration operatoires) in  Nice, France. [first course in 1993, then....many other times]

- Service de Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale et de Chirurgie Plastique de la Face (CHU Centre Hospitalier Universitaire - Faculté de Médecine de Nancy):  Diplôme d’Université de Formation Continue en Chirurgie Faciale, option “Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale et Plastique de la Face” – Nancy, France.

- Department of  Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Ospedale S.Paolo, Milano (Prof.Brusati), and Ospedale S.Gerardo, Monza.

- Dept of  OncoPlastic Surgery of I.E.O. (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia di Milano: European Istitute of Oncology, Director Prof.Mario Rietjens): as Intern Medical Doctor .

- Master in Aesthetic Morphodinamic Surgery gained at University of Milan (Italy): one year (2000/2001).

- Diploma “D.I.U. » (Diplome Inter Universitaire: Bordeaux, Marseille, Nice ) in « Chirurgie du Visage: de l’Anatomie aux Techniques de Chirurgie Reconstructrice et Esthétique » gained at theUniversity of Bordeaux, with Prof. Philippe Caix : a not residential two years Course.

- Fellowship in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at Teknon Clinic in Barcelona (Spain) with dr. JosèMaria Palacin: one year residential period.

- Master (II° level master) in «Breast Oncoplasty and Integrated Treatments» (developed among the National Cancer Institutes of Milan, Geneva and Rome for a 1500 hours course), granted at the University of Geneva by Prof. Pierluigi Santi. 


Surg&Med procedures